Creating your Store
What is a Bottle store?
A store in Bottle is used to guide customers to a particular menu. When customers visit a Bottle domain, they are shown a Bottle store (or stores) to select from and are then taken to the selected store’s associated menu.
Create your Bottle store:
Select new and start by titling the store. A business name is a great option for titling the store if only one menu is offered, or the store represents the main menu. Other examples of store titles are Nationwide Shipping, Wholesale, Mother’s Day, and Farmer’s Market.
Stores can be made public or private at any time, but when initially created are listed as public by default. Having a private store can be useful for reasons such as offering exclusive menus to a particular membership, or when offering wholesale. You can make the store private by unclicking the button below.
Now add a description. A store’s description can include information about location, hours, facts about the business, personal details, etc.
Once you hit save, you will have more options to add inside of the "Product Selection" section.
- First, you can add an image to this page which will show up in background when customers are making their order selections.
- Questions before selection: these are questions you can add before customers see your offering. These questions will appear as soon as they click into the store.
You can read more about how to setup store questions here. - Now you will add categories. Categories are the best way to organize your products on your ordering page. You can add a category by clicking the "+ Category" button, typing in the name of the category, adding an optional description, and adding an optional minimum order amount for that category.
- Once the categories are added, you can add products that you'd like to make active or that you'd like to schedule out by clicking the "+ Products" button and typing in the product name you're looking for.
>> A product is not displayed to your customers until it is in a store category. Multiple products can be selected before saving. Products can be added or removed from a category at any given time.
>> You can edit the product settings by clicking into the product once it's added to your category. Here are more details on editing the product settings.
>> If your products are not loaded in the system yet, see this article for adding products and see this article about scheduling products out for the future. - Cart minimums: This allows you to require an overall minimum dollar amount or a minimum item quantity to allow checkout.
- Pricing tiers are next. Pricing tiers are a great way to allow customers to receive discounts when they hit specific thresholds while ordering. You can read all about how to setup pricing tiers here.
- Now you're in the checkout section. First things first, you can add a question to be asked before the checkout screen and after product selection. Defaulted into the system is a name question which allows the system to collect a customer's name. It will only ask the name question if the system does not yet have the customer's name.
- Fulfillment methods can be checked or unchecked for a specific store once they are created in the "Fulfillment Methods" section of the backend.
- The membership tiers section allows you to select which membership tiers are eligible for the specific stores. If a membership tier is not select in this part, it will not be available for customers to join who order from this store.
- You can add tip options that will be visible to customers once they reach the checkout page. Read about setting up tips here.
Use of taxes is optional. If applied, you have the option of Manual taxes or usage of Taxjar.
> Manual taxes require informing with the state(s) and associated tax percentage. If manual taxes are selected but there has not been a tax inputted by the Bottle team, none will apply. No additional work needs to be done using the manual state percentage tax.
> If taxes vary by county or municipality in the state you are located, Taxjar is the best option. Taxjar calculates tax percentages based on the address a pickup or delivery location is set for. When creating any fulfillment method (whether pickup or delivery), the business address must be added to calculate the taxes correctly.The "Receipt Page Text" is a great way to add a customized message to your receipt that customers will receive via SMS after they play an order. You can also add questions that will be asked after the customer completes checkout.