Understanding Product Settings Inside of the Store

  • updated 1 yr ago

In this article, we'll go over the different product settings inside of your store. 

What are the product settings?
These are the settings that you are able to edit inside of the store page. This includes settings like making the product taxable or not, setting up different pricing for different memberships, and more! Note these are different settings from the ones you setup inside of your product library. In this article, you will gain an understanding of the different product settings inside of the store.

Understanding the product settings:

Product Settings Inside of the Store:

Taxable: This setting allows you to decide if this product should or should not be taxed
Include item in logic when autofilling orders: if this box is unchecked, the item will not be included in autofilling if you a drop set to autofill. This is the perfect setting for if you want to make this an add-on product that does not autofill in customer's carts week after week.
Show price: This setting allows you to decide if you'd like the price of the product to show up on the ordering page
Product card style: This setting allows you to change the settings of how an image is displayed on the ordering page. The 'Image upper right corner' shows a smaller version of the product image while the 'Full-bleed' shows a very large version of the product image.
Quantity display type: We recommend keeping this on 'Default'.

Autofill replacement: Displayed here will be your fallback products that are set in your product library. You can learn more about fallback products in this article.

Fulfillment slot day availability: This section allows you to choose which fulfillment days you'd like this product to be available for. This allows you to set your products into the future. Note: if you use this product scheduling feature, it's required that you ask a 'fulfillment slot question' before selection. Read more about setting up questions in this article

Membership pricing: This section allows you to set pricing based on your different memberships. You can also decide if you'd like to subject certain memberships to pricing tiers or if a specific product should be available for a specific membership. 
Note: if you change your product pricing inside of the 'Product Library' you will also need to update the pricing inside of the membership pricing, as the membership prices override any price inside of the product library. You can read more about setting up the proper product prices in this article.

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