About Bottle's Pricing and Fees

  • updated 2 yrs ago

At Bottle, we strive to be transparent in our pricing and processing fees.

Bottle's pricing starts at $9/month + 1.9% of a transaction. These fees increase depending on the number of orders that you take per month. You can explore how our monthly Bottle fees work at our pricing page using our interactive pricing tool: https://bottle.com/pricing

Bottle partners with Stripe to process credit card payments. The credit card fees are 2.9% + .30/transaction. You can read more about why Bottle has been a long time user of Stripe for credit card processing here.

Lastly are the messaging fees. Included in your plan each month are 1,000 SMS segments. 1 segment = 160 characters, so a text that is over 160 characters will count as more than one segment. Pictures count as their own segments. After you go over the first 1,000 SMS segments, Bottle charges in packs of $20 for 1,000 SMS segments at a time. You can always use our text provider Twilio's character counter to see how many characters are in a message you are planning to send.

The 1.9% Bottle fee + the 2.9% Stripe fee can be passed on to your customers. If you'd like to pass these fees on to your customers, please contact our team at team@bottle.com and we can switch that setting for you.

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