Setup Taxjar in Bottle

  • updated 10 mths ago

Bottle has an integration with a tax specialist that allows you to calculate taxes automatically at checkout for customers. This article will show you how to get that set up!

How to setup Taxjar in Bottle


Click here to search Taxjar's tax code documentation.

Steps to get Taxjar in place in Bottle:

  • Select Taxjar as your tax option for your store.

  • Add a "source address" to each of your delivery and shipping fulfillment methods.

  • Add the tax code to each item in your product library you want to sell in your Taxjar set store. This could vary from item to item. We suggest referencing the Taxjar documentation on tax codes to make your selections if you're unsure.
    • In most cases, "none" will work for product tax codes, but specific regional taxes will require products to have a tax code to calculate properly. - We suggest running through a test order or two to see how taxes are calculated or consulting with your tax professional to select tax codes.

Tax Code Examples:

  • Unprepared Food and Goceries: 40030
  • Prepared foods eaten on site: 41000
  • Juice: 50202304A0000
  • Bread and Flour products: 50180000A0000
  • Snack Foods: 50192100A0000
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