Add Bottle as an app on your phone's home page.

  • 3 mths ago

Bottle is now supported as a PWA. This is the first step to getting Bottle on your phone as an app and receiving phone notifications. 

In this article we'll outline how to get Bottle on the home screen of your iPhone or Android. 

Installing a PWA on iOS

A PWA can only be installed on iOS using the Safari web browser. First, navigate to the site in Safari. Press the "Share" button and select "Add to Home Screen" from the popup. Lastly, tap "Add" in the top right corner to finish installing the PWA. It will now be on your home screen.

Installing a PWA on Android

The default Chrome browser is capable of installing PWAs for Android. First, navigate to the site in Chrome. Press the "three dot" icon in the upper right to open the menu. Select "Add to Home screen." Press the "Add" button in the popup. The PWA is now installed and available on your home screen.

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