Edit an existing fulfillment slot

  • updated 1 yr ago

You may need to move a fulfillment time or cutoff for a multitude of reasons. In this article we'll outline how to edit an existing slot to fit your needs!

How to edit an existing fulfillment slot



Step 1: Accessing the Fulfillment Slot

  1. Open your Bottle dashboard and go to the Sell Tab
  2. Locate the fulfillment slot you wish to edit. In the video example, it's the upcoming slot on the 7th.

Step 2: Initiating the Editing Process

  1. Decide which of your settings on the slot you need to change.

Step 3: Saving the Changes

  1. Click 'Save' to apply these settings to the selected slot.
  2. Opt to apply these settings to all future slots or just the single slot you edited

Step 4: Confirming the Changes

  1. Click on a future slot (e.g., the 14th) to confirm the changes.
  2. Check that customers cannot start ordering until the specified beginning time (e.g., the 6th at 8pm).
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