Add restrictions to your fulfillment methods

  • updated 1 yr ago

It's common to want to allow customers to get shipping when they hit a certain threshold. Or maybe you want your Weekly Subscribers to get free delivery all the time, not your one-time order folks. In this article, we'll show you how to add restrictions to your fulfillment methods to achieve this type of result.





  1. From anywhere in your dashboard click "Sell" on the left-side menu.
  2. Then select the fulfillment method you want to add restrictions to from the menu just to the right

  3. Click on "restrictions" at the top middle of the page 

  4. Select the type of restriction you want to add from the dropdown
    1. 'Block a membership tier' will prevent customers of a certain tier from ordering from this method
    2. 'Enforce a cart minimum' will allow you to prevent customers from ordering from this method until they reach a threshold
      1. You can optionally add a membership to this restriction
  5. Click the '+ Restriction' button
  6. Enter your desired restrictions

  7. Click Save
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