Creating a Split Fulfillment Date

  • 9 mths ago

This guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a split fulfillment slot in your Bottle dashboard, enabling your customers to choose multiple delivery days for their orders while keeping production streamlined on a single day. Learn how to enhance your order processing flexibility and meet your customers' varying needs effectively.



Step 1: Access the Sell Tab

Begin by navigating to the "Sell" tab on your Bottle dashboard. This area is where you manage your sales channels and order fulfillment settings.

Step 2: Locate Existing Fulfillment Slots

Within the "Sell" tab, review your existing fulfillment slots. These are typically listed and might be linked to specific production days, such as the 15th of each month.

Step 3: Enable Split Fulfillment

Scroll to the bottom of the page where your fulfillment slots are displayed. Here, you will find an option labeled "Allow Split Fulfillment." Click this button to activate the feature.

Step 4: Set Additional Fulfillment Days

Upon enabling split fulfillment, a new date selector will appear. Use this to add additional days that customers can choose for receiving their orders. For example, if your main production day is the 15th, you might add the 19th as an additional option.

Step 5: Save Your Settings

After setting the desired dates, click "Save." Ensure you apply these changes to all future slots by selecting the option to save this setting across future fulfillment slots.

Step 6: Verify Setup in Storefront

To see how it works from a customer's perspective, visit your storefront. It's recommended to have a fulfillment slot question appear before customers view products to ensure they see the new split fulfillment options.

Step 7: Test the Checkout Process

Proceed to checkout as if you were a customer. You should see a new option that allows you to select the fulfillment date for the product. For instance, if you're ordering pancakes, you can now choose whether you want them delivered on the regular day (e.g., Wednesday) or the newly added day (e.g., Sunday the 19th).

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