How to Setup Fulfillment Reminders

  • updated 6 mths ago

Learn how to send your customers a fulfillment reminder on or before the day of their fulfillment automatically!

Sending out delivery reminders each week automatically is a hugely helpful way to make sure that customers both know that you haven't forgotten them, but also ensure that they don't forget about their order!

In the video below you can learn more about how to set up a recurring message that sends out on a regular interval to all customers who are set to receive their order on a specific day.

How to set up a delivery reminder:



Step 1: Accessing Fulfillment Methods

  1. Navigate to your Bottle dashboard.
  2. On the left side menu, click on Sell.
  3. Scroll down towards the bottom of the submenu to find Fulfillment Methods.
  4. Select the fulfillment method you wish to add a reminder for. If you have multiple methods, you'll need to repeat the following steps for each one.

Step 2: Finding the Reminder Settings

  1. Within the settings of your chosen fulfillment method, look for a top bar menu.
  2. Click on the Reminders option to access the reminder settings.

Step 3: Setting Up a Reminder

  1. Scroll down to the section where you can set up the reminders.
  2. Click on the + Reminder button. This action opens a new window for setting up the reminder.
  3. Configure your reminder:
    • Timing: For reminders on the day of arrival, select On the Day of Arrival. You can set a specific time, such as 9 AM, by typing it in or using a dropdown menu for time selection.
    • Message: Enter the message you wish to send in the reminder.

Step 4: Saving Your Reminder

  1. After configuring the time and message, click on the Save button to store your reminder settings.

Step 5: Adding Additional Reminders (Optional)

  1. For reminders before or after the arrival day, use the dropdown menu to select This many days before or This many days after the arrival day.
  2. A new box will appear, allowing you to specify the number of days and the time for the reminder, in relation to the arrival day found on your fulfillment slots.
  3. Enter your message for this reminder and click Save.


If you need further assistance setting up a fulfillment reminder that fits your personal needs, please do not hesitate to reach out through our help email (team@bottle.com).

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