New Signup Message Automation

  • 5 mths ago



How to Set Up and Utilize a New Sign-Up Message Automation

Step 1: Access Store Settings

  1. Navigate to the Dashboard: Start by logging into your dashboard. Once you're there, locate the 'Sell' tab to proceed.
  2. Enter Store Settings: Click on the store you want the message to display in which could be found either in the gray menu or the middle of your screen. This will direct you to your store settings.

Step 2: Set Up New Sign-Up Message Automation

  1. Locate Sign-Up Message Settings: In your store settings, find and click on the 'New or Sign Up Explanation Message' from the gray left side menu.
  2. Automate Messages: This action will scroll you down to the 'New Sign Up Message Automation' area, where you can manage message boxes.

Step 3: Configure Messages

  1. Explanation Message Setup: Configure the first message box, 'Sign Up Explanation Message', which appears before a customer logs in for the first time.
  2. Automation of SMS After Sign-Up: Set up the second message box for 'New Sign Up Message Automation', which sends an SMS text to the customer once they sign up for the first time.

Step 4: Personalize Welcome Discounts

  1. Initial Message: Suggest a welcome message like, "Hey, log in and we'll send you a discount code for $15 off."
  2. Follow-Up SMS: After the customer logs in, automatically send them an SMS including the discount code for $15 off their first order.

Step 5: Test the Customer Experience

  1. Simulate Checkout: Open another tab with a shopping cart containing items to simulate a customer's checkout experience.
  2. Verify Message Display and Receipt: Ensure that the sign-up message displays correctly at the login step and that the SMS with the discount code is received upon logging in.

If you need further help setting this up please don't hesitate to reach out to team@bottle.com

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