How to set up free delivery/shipping

  • updated 11 mths ago

Set up a pricing tier to give your customers free shipping and delivery.

Oftentimes, you will want to offer free shipping to your clients. Free shipping is a great way to give your customers a great incentive to order. Setting up free shipping and/or delivery is as easy as setting up a pricing tier inside of your Store.

How to setup free shipping and/or delivery:


Here are the steps starting from the customer tab on your merchant dashboard:

  1. Select the store you want your pricing tier to be active for from the leftmost menu, and then select "pricing tiers" from the menu just to the right.

  2. Click the "+ Tier" button.

  3. Enter the necessary information

    1. Name

    2. Any minimums you need your customer to reach

  4. Click the "Free shipping" toggle.

  5. Click save

You now have a free shipping and delivery pricing tier available on your store for your customers!

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Bottle will always prioritize the pricing tier that provides the greatest discount to your customer.

  • If you want to provide your customer with a percent discount that was available at a different pricing tier, we suggest incorporating that into the pricing tier, you just created

  • Pricing tiers do not discriminate between shipping and delivery; this pricing tier will discount both to $0.

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